Sains Malaysiana 52(7)(2023): 1977-1984


Pollen and Seed Morphology of Cleome Species (Cleomaceae) in Vietnam

(Debunga dan Morfologi Biji Spesies Cleome (Cleomaceae) di Vietnam)




1Faculty of Biology, TNU-University of Education, Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam

2Biodiversity & Palaeobiology Group, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune, India

3Department of Botany, Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam

4Department of Environment and Forest Resources, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea

5International Biological Material Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology, Daejeon, South Korea


Received: 8 December 2022/Accepted: 27 June 2023



Cleomaceae is a family that includes 18 genera distributed worldwide in tropical and temperate regions. Cleome L. is the largest genus having 207 species, widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions (POWO 2019). In Vietnam, the genus is represented by four species Cleome rutidosperma DC., C. houtteanaSchltdl., C. viscosaL. and C. gynandraL. The present study documents the pollen and seed characteristics of all four species of Cleome in Vietnam, and the data obtained using light microscope and scanning electron microscope are analyzed considering their importance in taxonomic delimitation and understanding their phylogenetic relationship. The results indicated a close relationship between different pollen and aperture types. The striking differences between the pollen shapes among different species of Cleome could be useful in taxonomic and evolutionary studies. Similarly, seed shape and surface characters provided important clues for their delimitation. Based on the pollen and seed morphological characteristics, a taxonomic key has been provided for easy identification of the Cleome species in Vietnam.


Keywords: Cleome; pollen grains; scanning electron microscopy (SEM); seed coat morphology



Cleomaceae ialah famili yang merangkumi 18 genus yang tersebar di seluruh dunia di kawasan tropika dan sederhana. Cleome L. ialah genus terbesar yang mempunyai 207 spesies, tersebar secara meluas di kawasan tropika dan subtropika (POWO 2019). Di Vietnam, genus ini diwakili oleh empat spesies Cleome rutidosperma DC., C. houtteana Schltdl., C. viscosa L. dan C. gynandra L. Kajian ini mendokumenkan ciri debunga dan benih bagi keempat-empat spesies Cleome di Vietnam dan data yang diperoleh menggunakan mikroskop cahaya dan mikroskop elektron imbasan dianalisis dengan mengambil kira kepentingannya dalam persempadanan taksonomi dan memahami hubungan filogenetiknya. Keputusan menunjukkan hubungan rapat antara jenis debunga dan apertur yang berbeza. Perbezaan ketara bentuk debunga antara spesies Cleome yang berbeza berguna dalam kajian taksonomi dan evolusi. Begitu juga, bentuk biji dan pencirian permukaan memberikan petunjuk penting untuk persempadanan semula mereka. Berdasarkan ciri morfologi debunga dan benih, kunci taksonomi telah disediakan untuk mengenal pasti spesies Cleome dengan mudah di Vietnam.


Kata kunci: Bijirin debunga; Cleome; mikroskop elektron imbasan (SEM); morfologi kulit biji



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